Liberon Wood Bleacher – 500ml


Liberon Wood Bleacher is ideal for removing dark stains caused by rust, alcohol, damp, ink, ring marks and fruit.

  • Removes dark stains.
  • It can be used to lighten naturally dark wood.
  • Lightens darkened wood through alkali stripping, staining or weathering.
  • It does not harm the wood.

See Full instructions below

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SKU: Lib Wood Bleach | 500ml Categories: , ,


Liberon Wood Bleacher is ideal for removing dark stains caused by rust, alcohol, damp, ink, ring marks and fruit. It can also be used to lighten naturally dark wood or natural wood which has darkened through alkali stripping, staining or weathering. It does not harm the wood and comes ready to use.

How to use Liberon Wood Bleacher

1. Only to be used on stripped or unfinished wood. Remove any finish with Wood Stripper and then sand with extra fine sanding paper. Stripper works best with a coarse Wire Wool.

2. Apply the Liberon Wood Bleacher sparingly with a brush. Concentrate on badly affected areas if required.

3. Allow to dry. Check results and apply further coats if necessary.

4. Rinse thoroughly with clean water two to three times and allow to dry completely before refinishing.

5. If you are trying to bleach out an ink or oil stain, it is more effective to place a suitable size piece of towelling over the mark and thoroughly wet it with bleach. Leave on for as long as possible, ideally over night. After bleaching the mark, it is best then to bleach the whole area around it, so you are not left with a very light patch of wood. When the surface of the wood is dry, you will see how much effect the bleach has had.

Please note –

Always test the product on a spare or inconspicuous area for colour, compatibility and end result. Water-based products may be affected by Wood Bleacher residue.

Always wear protective gloves. Due to various types of pigmentation some dyes/stains/woods may resist bleaching. Wood Bleacher relies on chemical reactions and results cannot be guaranteed.

Health and Safety
Harmful. Contains Oxalic Acid. Flammable. Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and is swallowed. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from food and drink and animal feeding stuffs. Do not empty into drains. Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. If swallowed seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Use only in well-ventilated areas.

Safety Data Sheets


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