How do you know what the best products are for stone floor care? Stone floors must be cared for and cleaned correctly for maintenance, so the below charts and information will offer some guidance for product selection. This will offer you a guide in sealing and finishing natural stone to offer the best shine and colour.
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Stone Floor Cleaner

For general maintenance and cleaning of your stone floor, we would recommend Liberon stone floor cleaner. It is an easy to use water based cleaner for general maintenance of stone floors. It helps to remove built up layers of dirt and grease. It can be used neat on stubborn stains for extra cleaning. It is used on sealed and unsealed terracotta and natural stone flooring. If treating new stone, once your floor has been cleaned it will need protecting from water and staining with a suitable sealer (see below).
Stone Floor Sealer
The stone floor sealer you need will depend on the type of stone you are treating. This simple test will identify whether your stone requires sealing. Simply put several drops of water onto the stone surface and leave for 10 minutes. If the water is absorbed into the stone then a sealer is required. We offer two variations of stone floor sealer below.

Liberorn Natural Finish Stone Floor Sealer is a non colouring water based sealer that maintains the natural look of stone. It is a highly effective sealer for protecting interior terracotta, slate, York stone, ceramic, marble and many similar types of porous stone flooring. It makes surfaces resistant to water, stains, food oils and grease marks. This is ideal for new or old stone and effective after just one coat on most surfaces. This product will not alter the colour of the stone.
The other alternative is

Liberon Colour Enhancer Stone Floor Sealer. This is an Oil based multi-stone sealer with strong water resistant qualities that adds warmth to natural stone by enhancing the colour. It feeds, seals and protects interior terracotta, slate, York stone and many similar types of stone flooring. It also makes the surface resistant to water, drink and food spillages and helps to reduce dusting and crumbling. Several coats may be applied quickly on porous surfaces and the number of coats required will depend upon the porosity of the stone.
Adding a finish to Stone Flooring
When you want to add some sheen into your stone floor, we have two very good products for you to use, that will help bring some sheen and protection back into your stone.

Liberon Stone Floor Shine is a quick drying and self shining finish for sealed terracotta and stone floors. It creates a protective and durable coating with long lasting shine that is ideal for use in areas of high foot traffic such as kitchens and halls. It is also stain and water resistant. On new surfaces and for a higher shine apply additional coats. With this product, do not apply in thick coats as this may result in white marks. Build up the shine in thin layers. Stone Floor Shine can be removed with Stone Floor Cleaner. It may not give adequate shine on very porous stone so we do also offer a stone floor wax below.

Liberon Stone Floor Wax is a hard-wearing and traditional satin finish for sealed stone, giving a beautiful soft lustre to the surface. It protects and nourishes stone, slate, terracotta, quarry tile and other natural and man made stone floor products after sealing. The slip resistant finish enhances the natural colour of the stone, helps prevent staining and is resistant to scratching and scuffing. It is ideal for use in dining rooms and conservatories. Do not wash waxed floors with water. Simply sweep or vacuum and re-wax when the surface looks dry and dull. Where surface water is possible, like in kitchens or utility rooms, Liberon Stone Floor Shine is recommended.
Stone Flooring Product Selection Guide
The charts below are designed to offer basic guidance for product selection for your stone floor care. The choice of product is not definitive and alternative products may be used.