
Osmo Wood Reviver Power Gel


Osmo Wood Reviver Power Gel is highly effective at cleaning and refreshing greyed weathered wood. It is easy to apply and the gel penetrates the wood deeply and removes grey patina. After re-oiling, the fresh warm wood colour is restored.

  • Restores the natural characteristic of un-weathered wood.
  • Used on wood decking, cladding & garden furniture.
  • Revive the fresh, warm colour of the wood tones.
  • Quick and easy to use.
  • Odourless and biodegradable.
  • Special offer – The 2.5 Litre comes with a free Decking Cleaning Brush.

See Full instructions below

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Osmo Wood Reviver Power Gel is highly effective at cleaning and refreshing greyed weathered wood. This gel cleaner is used for refreshing and cleaning greyed wood in outdoor areas. Osmo Wood Reviver Power Gel is a non-drip product, and so it is easy to apply, especially on vertical surfaces. The gel penetrates the wood deeply and removes grey patina. Through subsequent re-oiling, the fresh warm wood colour is restored. The Wood Reviver Power Gel is highly recommended for timber on decking, cladding, garden furniture and similar outdoor wood surfaces.

Special offer – The 2.5 Litre comes with a free Decking Cleaning Brush.

How to use Osmo Wood Reviver Power Gel

  1. Remove debris from greyed wood and dampen with water.
  2. Wood Reviver Power-Gel is ready to use. Do not thin.
  3. Perform a trial application before treating wood with Wood Reviver Power-Gel.
  4. Generously apply the wood reviver gel along the wood grain.
  5. After approx. 20 minutes reaction time, clean surface with Osmo Decking Cleaning Brush and rinse with a lot of water.
  6. After drying for approx. 48 hours, protect the newly refreshed wood with a wood finish (e.g. Osmo Natural Oil Woodstain, Decking-Oils, Country shades).
  7. For machine processing on decking, we recommend using Osmo Decking and Flooring Cleaner.

Please Note 

Clean tools immediately after use, with soap and water.

DRYING TIME – Approx. 24-48 hours (normal climatic conditions, 23 °C/50 % rel. humidity). Lower temperatures and/ or higher air humidity can increase the drying time. Ventilate well while drying.

COVERAGE – 1 litre covers approx. 10 m² with one application. Coverage depends significantly on the condition of the wood. All information refers to smooth and planed/ sanded surfaces. Other surfaces may lead to differences in coverage.

Questions and Answers

Will the Wood Reviver Power Gel lighten my wood once treated?

After applying the Wood Reviver Power Gel the wood will look a lot lighter after it is fully dried and will not be a true representation of the wood colour after it has been treated with a protective coating. To see the true colour of the timber apply a small amount of Osmo finishing oil in a small inconspicuous area. You can then decide if you want to add a clear or tinted coat.

How soon can I re-oil my wood after cleaning with Power Gel?

Usually the wood surface can be re-oiled after around three days of good drying days. You need to ensure the wood is fully dry with a moisture content less than 20%RM. If possible leave longer as you need to ensure the timber is dry enough to allow the wood oil to penetrate correctly into the fibers of the grain.

Customer Examples:


Heath and Safety

CAUTION – Keep out of reach of children. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Observe the general safety regulations when handling chemicals. Safety data sheet available on request.

DISPOSAL – Dispose of leftover product and completely emptied packaging according to local official guidelines (waste code number 20 01 29). Only completely emptied cans can be recycled. COLOUR TONES 6609 Clear CAN SIZES 0.5 L; 2.50 L; 5.00 L; 10.00 L The above mentioned information is provided to the best of our knowledge however without any liability

INGREDIENTS – Osmo Wood Reviver Power-Gel contains biodegradable oxalic acid (< 5 %). This product is free of solvents, formaldehyde, chlorine compounds and amines. Detailed declaration of ingredients available upon request. TECHNICAL DATA Specific gravity: 0.99-1.05 g/cm³ Viscosity: >70s DIN EN ISO 2431/3 mm, thixotropic Odour: faint/mild, after drying odourless Flash point: not applicable

Safety Data Sheets

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